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Dental Implants Huntington Beach

Dental technology has come a long way since the days of barber surgeons, who tended to pull all problematic teeth. Today, we work with patients to preserve their natural teeth whenever possible, but sometimes, teeth can still be lost to periodontal disease, severe decay or dental trauma. Our expert in dental implants in Huntington Beach offers dental implants, which are considered the standard in replacing missing teeth.

Unlike other restorations, dental implants are extremely similar to natural teeth in both appearance and function. They can even keep your smile healthier over time. Your teeth are supported by your jawbone. When a tooth is lost, the bone surrounding each tooth, or alveolar bone, is resorbed, or broken down by the body. Over time, this can cause the jawbone to thin and weaken. Placing dental implants can help keep the alveolar bone strong and dense and preserve the overall health of your smile.

Huntington Beach Dental Implants

Our Huntington Beach dental implants dentist may recommend dental implants if you are missing one or more teeth and have good dental and general health. Most people are candidates for dental implants, but some may need additional treatments such as tissue grafts to ensure the best possible outcome.

During your initial exam, we will evaluate your gums, teeth and jawbone. If implants are right for you, they will be placed at a later appointment. Our expert in dental implants in Huntington Beach places implants in a surgical procedure. The implants, which are titanium posts that are similar to your natural tooth roots in design, will gradually fuse with the jawbone. The healing process takes three to six months, and once the implant site has completely healed, a new restoration will be attached to the implant.

After your implants have been restored with porcelain crowns, dental bridges or a denture, you can use them just like you use your own teeth. They give you back your ability to eat your favorite foods, brush and floss your teeth with ease and smile with confidence. Give us a call today to learn more about your restoration options or to schedule your appointment with our Huntington Beach dental implants dentist.