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Dental Implants Treatment Huntington Beach

dental implants procedure huntington beachYou may be a candidate for dental implants if you have lost teeth as a result of dental trauma, periodontal disease, or tooth decay. One or more missing teeth can disrupt your dental health and increase the risk of damage to other teeth. Although the dental implants procedure may seem like a long and involved process, the results are considered permanent. Our Huntington Beach dental implants treatment expert can help you decide if dental implants are right for you.

Our expert in dental implants treatment in Huntington Beach will begin with a complete oral exam. X-rays, 3D images, and other records will be taken so that we can have accurate measurements of your oral features and determine the best way to proceed with your treatment. The procedure will be planned based on the number of teeth involved, your current dental health status, which teeth are being restored, and whether any of your teeth need to be extracted.

Huntington Beach Dental Implants Treatment

The implant will be placed during an outpatient procedure. A single tooth implant usually takes about one to two hours. A local anesthetic will numb the area so that you will feel no discomfort. You may also be given oral or IV sedation to ensure that you are fully relaxed and comfortable. The implant will be inserted into the jawbone, and the gums will be stitched. Most patients recover quickly, but our Huntington Beach dental implants treatment expert may prescribe antibiotics or pain medications to ensure you are comfortable throughout the healing period. You may also be given an antibacterial mouthwash and instructions to promote healing.

Once the implant has fully integrated with your jawbone, we can place your final restoration. This is usually a porcelain dental crown, which serves as your new tooth, but if you are missing multiple teeth, it may instead be a bridge or denture. The implant will be uncovered and an abutment placed. The restoration will be attached to this abutment, and you will be ready to use or just show off your new tooth.

Give us a call today to find out more about dental implants or to schedule an appointment with our expert in dental implants treatment in Huntington Beach.